Missouri Optometric Association DVH
Now, in tandem with the ManhattanLife Assurance Company of America, we’re proud to bring to our members and their patients a plan that offers services for all of these critical areas…dental, vision & hearing!
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Employers, are you providing your employees with dental, vision and hearing benefits? Are your employees tired of escalating out of pocket expenses? Then our plan, the first of its kind in the nation, has blended dental and optometric providers, removing the middleman and passing the savings along to you and the policyholders.
Don’t have an employer-provided policy? Not happy with the plan choices your employers provide? Our plan is not only available to groups, but also to individuals. One of our unique benefits is that you can get both glasses and contact lenses in the same calendar year! No more choosing! For one of the most affordable costs on the market, each individual can receive up to $1,500 towards dental, optometric and hearing care.
Our plan has one of the most comprehensive optometric networks available. The network is made up of members from the Missouri Optometric Association. It is the only plan endorsed by a state professional association. After careful analysis, we are able to bring you the most comprehensive benefits for the least cost.
MOA DVH Difference
ManhattanLife leads the industry in innovation by recognizing the diverse needs of its clients and meets those needs with integrity and passion.
By partnering with ManhattanLife, the MOA DVH provides patients with affordable options and quality care.
Check out these examples of how patients can maximize savings.Coverage Highlights
- Guaranteed Issue
- Individual coverage is available for ages 18-85
- $1,500 or $1,000 policy year benefit options available per family member
- One of the largest dental AND optometric provider networks
- Renewable for life
Protect your SMILE and smile BRIGHTER
A beautiful smile is contagious! With regular checkups, you can keep that great smile and prevent many health issues. By using the MOA Dental, Vision, and Hearing plan choose the dentist of your choice. Additional savings may be available if the dentist is in the Preferred Plus or Careington Networks. You can receive quality care at lower out of pocket costs.
Protect your SIGHT and see CLEARER
Vision Insurance is significant for simple and affordable eye care. You will see why vision care is vital to a quality lifestyle with annual checkups. Exam fees, glasses, and contacts are simple and affordable with the MOA Dental, Vision, and Hearing plan's Preferred Providers.
Protect Your HEARING and hear BETTER!
Taking care of your hearing is important but often overlooked. With our active and noisy lifestyles, it is no surprise that 10% of the population has a significant hearing loss. Electronic devices have contributed to hearing loss at younger ages. With MOA Dental, Vision, and Hearing plan, hearing checkups are easy and affordable for the entire family.
Ready to Get Started?
Complete an application to Enroll Now
How is the family plan premium determined?
To determine premiums, ManhattanLife uses "age of last birthday". The family premium is based on the older age of the two adults for a two-parent family and the age of the adult for a single-parent family. If applying within a group policy for a family plan, then the premium is based on the age of the last birthday of the employee.
The family plan provides an averaged premium rate for up to 3 children. Each additional child (age 3-17) can be added to the family policy for the "additional child premium". For example, add the additional child premium rate to the appropriate family rate premium to determine the premium for a family with 4 children.
Why are the premiums so low?
This policy is a proprietary policy of the Missouri Optometric Association which is a Missouri based nonprofit professional association. Their working partner, the Missouri Dental Association is the same. The policy was designed to accomplish a common goal, provide exceptional services to our patients at an affordable cost.
How does the policy work?
The policy is a simple and easy to understand plan design. There is a “pool” of funds (either $1,500 or $1,000 per covered person per year) and this “pool” is available for the insured to use for any of the covered dental, vision or hearing expenses.
How often will my premium change?
Premiums are subject to change at any time.
How does this work with my Medicare?
It has no effect with your Medicare since it does not coordinate benefits.
Does this plan cover any pre-existing conditions?
Yes, but all pre-existing conditions, whether disclosed in the application or not, are subject to a twelve-month waiting period.
Can I become ineligible?
No. This plan guarantees renewability for the life of the policy, so long as the premiums are paid on time.
How do I know if I’m eligible for this plan?
This plan is guaranteed issue. However, you must meet the age requirement.
Can I have health coverage with a different company than my dental coverage?
Yes. This plan is a versatile product that can be used with or without another plan from any company.
Is there a deductible?
Yes, there is a small $100 annual deductible. It is an overall deductible, not separate for dental or vision care.
Is there an age limit?
In most states, enrollment ends at the age of 85. There is no termination by age, so you may keep your policy as long as you pay your premiums.
How do I file a claim?
As a policyholder, you have a couple of options. Approved MOA DVH vision providers and Preferred Network, Preferred Plus Network and Careington Network dental providers will all file the claim on your behalf. If your provider is not in the network, you can still ask them to file the claim for you. Many providers will help you.
If you need to file a claim for yourself, you may go to the policyholder login on the www.Manhattanlife.com website and print out your claim form there or you can print the forms directly from the top menu on this website, www.moadvh.com. After you fill out the claim, you may scan and submit it with the Easy Upload option (in PDF only). You may also:
- Fax to 713-583-0677
- Mail to:
Claims Department
P.O. Box 925309
Houston, TX 77292-5309
*If you choose to mail the claim, please note this can cause a slight delay in processing and is not the preferred method of claims submissions.
If you need help, call the Customer Service Department at 800-669-9030 or call your agent. They can also print the form, help you fill it out, and submit it from their online portal.
What is the annual max?
It is the maximum amount of money the policy will pay out during your policy’s year, from your personal start date to the next. You may select either $1000 or $1500.
How does the plan work?
After the yearly deductible has been satisfied, then the following percentages will reimburse expenses up to yearly max.*
- 60% - first policy year
- 70% - second policy year
- 80% - third policy year and thereafter.
*You can visit any provider of your choice. Additional savings available through an approved MOA provider for vision care and Preferred Plus or Careington Networks for dental care.
Is this a discount plan or insurance?
This is a Limited Benefit Insurance policy. That means it is a medical plan with restricted benefits, but lower premiums.